In this September addition of the Healthy Eyes Report, Dr. Buensuceso addresses how using Macular Supplements can help with night glare. With fall approaching and shorter days ahead of us, we will all be faced with driving more in low light conditions. You will learn what you can do to help you alleviate night glare.
And don’t forget those Bell Peppers — A delicious way to support vision. We invite you to enjoy these two great Bell Pepper recipes – Marinated Peppers and Black Beans with Bell Peppers & Rice both with Carotenoids that can help protect the eye from AMD.
We hope you continue to enjoy the Healthy Eyes Report. If you have any questions about this or past issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Cu*************@Ma********.com.
Volker Gallichio
Vice-President, MedOp Health
In This Issue
- FROM THE DOCTOR: How to Reduce Night Glare by Using Macular Supplements
- NUTRITION: Why Bell Peppers are Great for AMD
How to Reduce Night Glare by Using Macular Supplements
Hello! It’s September…the days are getting shorter and we find ourselves driving more in low light conditions than the summer months. In this month’s e-newsletter, we’ll be talking about the effect of AMD supplements on night vision glare.
Have you ever been bothered with excessive light from oncoming headlights? Do you feel uncomfortable whenever stray light hits your eyes? Do you feel that excessive light interferes with your normal vision during the day and night?
If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms, then you’re in the right place!
Let’s start by explaining glare which an excessive contrast between the dark areas and light areas in the direction is of where the patient is looking. If there is too much light, then it will result in a sensation of glare to the person.
Studies have shown that Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which are the two carotenoids that make up the macula, play an important role in helping improve visual performance.
The thickness of Lutein and Zeaxanthin in the macula has been found to be very significant in determining not only if a person is at risk for AMD but also how the person does in terms of better contrast sensitivity, vision and glare reduction.
The thicker the density of Lutein and Zeaxanthin, the better a person does with visual performance.
Dr. Mark W Roark OD, FAAO conducted an experiment using a macular supplement containing 10 mg of lutein, 10 mg of meso-zeazanthin, and 2 mg of zeaxanthin. He was able to prove that the test subject reported better night vision outcomes with much less glare using this triple carotenoid supplementation after 8 weeks and 12 weeks of taking the supplement every day.
As you can see, taking macular supplements helps in improving how well you see especially in low light conditions as well as help prevent AMD.
Maxivision brand of supplements offers a wide variety of supplements to help replenish Lutein and Zeaxanthin so that you get the best in your fight with AMD but also helps you do better in preventing glare from becoming a problem at night.
In next month’s e-newsletter, we be talking about how macular supplements not only helps with preventing AMD but it also helps you think better. So, don’t miss next month’s issue to get all the details.
Why Bell Peppers are Great for AMD
Bell Peppers are the fruits of the nightshade family. They are related to chili peppers and tomatoes and originate in South American region.
Carotenoids such as Lutein and Zeaxanthin are found in high amounts in Bell Peppers which can replenish the supply in the macula and in turn, help protect the eye from AMD.
In addition to eating bell peppers raw in salads or mini-bell peppers as snacks, you can sauté bell peppers in coconut or virgin olive oil for a spectacular meal while helping keep your macula healthy.